the rhyme of him and her


he loves her when she’s sweet and juice

she is loved when needy and loose

he takes offence when she doesn’t give truce

she feels tears as he shouts his dues

he takes hold when reaching a sluice

she holds cold, fearing an energy noose

he is truth, she is bruise

she is now, he’s set loose


NaPoWrimo Day 3 2020: playing with a word bank of rhymes

if I were a cloud…

If I were a cloud I would love all my shapes,

shifting and wisping and forming with joy.


If I loved all my shapes I would welcome all change

and flow in harmony with the sky and the stars.


If I welcomed all change I’d feel freer to fly,

to carry aloft my dreams and ideas.


If I felt freer to fly I would grow my wings wide

and glide through the arc of a rainbow.



NaPoWriMo 2019 Day 6: Write a poem that emphasises the power of “if,” of the woulds and coulds and shoulds of the world.